Friday, February 20, 2009

FIRED UP - pt 3

Next, I e-mailed this to all my federal and state officials for the state I vote in (Florida) and the state I live in (CO). Focus on the Family Action's Action Center ( made it easy to send to multiple leaders at once.

SUBJECT: PLEASE stop trying to "save" the economy! Stop bailing people out!

I am overwhelmingly offended by President Obama’s policy called the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Please – as a leader of our country – stop interventionist activity since it does not address the roots of the crisis – GREED! The lenders and borrowers who made bad decisions that resulted in this crisis will not be “changed” by being rescued! Even if the rescue plan works in this crisis, you can’t fix the greed and foolishness of borrowers and lenders who made the decisions that got us into this mess! This crisis isn’t ultimately about people who can’t pay their bills because of some unfortunate circumstance (there will always be cases like this in our world, and these cases don’t cause global recessions) – that’s not what got us into this mess.

Bad behavior got us into this mess! And rescuing people who made bad decisions will not reform them.

MAYBE dealing with the consequences of their decisions will. Whether we bail out or not, the responsible taxpayers pay a price – but with a bailout, the cost to the irresponsible is reduced while the responsible taxpayers pay a potentially higher price. So please, do not support any federal activity to end this crisis or bail out anyone. Please do not invest federal dollars (my tax dollars) in areas of the economy that aren’t the direct, ongoing responsibility of the intentionally-limited federal government.

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