Friday, February 20, 2009

FIRED UP about stimulus!

Finally got motivated to act about the stimulus/spending plan tonight.
Here's what I did.

First, I sent this e-mail to a number of conservative radio/TV hosts:
Obama wants real stories of people "made available to the public to show how critical it is to support the economic recovery plan." - they can be submitted at his website:

Of course he's not interested in everyone's story, just those that support his plan. You should read some of them on-air and disembowel them - it's more Julio and Henrietta types asking for free stuff!

Maybe you can start a similar page for people whose story shows stimulus should not be supported. I'm one of them. I'm saving, renting a home, waiting to put 20% down on a 15-year note and still have an emergency fund in place. In Arizona Obama said "By bringing down the foreclosure rate, it will help to shore up housing prices for everybody.” He should say “for everybody who currently owns a home.” I have acted responsibly and not taken out a home loan yet. So “shoring up housing prices” puts me at a disadvantage. I’m not asking the government to rescue me, but to stop intervening in the market.

How many other people out there have a story like this to tell - of saving responsibly and staying out of debt, who the package won't help one bit? We should counter Obama's pitiful PR attempt with the other side of the story!


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