Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Fight Still Continues...

Congress Passes Health Care Bill
Despite overwhelming public opposition, Washington D.C. Democrats steamrolled the American people and the citizens of Colorado this week by ramming the health care bill through.
I support Colorado Attorney General John Suthers joining thirteen other states in a lawsuit to block Obama Care.
The U.S. Constitution gives the federal government only enumerated powers. All other powers are expressly left to the states and their people. In the health care legislation passed in Washington, Congress is attempting, for the first time in our history, to use the interstate commerce power to regulate citizens who choose not to engage in a commercial activity, by forcing them to buy insurance. Never before in our history has Congress mandated citizens to purchase a product or service as a condition of living in this great country.
I also support Jon Caldara from the Independence Institute who is working to bring forward an amendment to the Colorado Constitution to preserve our right to health care choice.

I am a small business owner who struggles with the cost of providing insurance to my employees and see their struggles affording their match to buy insurance.

Government run health care will not produce low cost quality care. We must move in the direction of our free market to succeed in solving our health care cost issues. Lasik eye surgery is the best most recent example of our free market succeeding in lowering costs and increasing accessibility and increasing quality.
Our State's Senator

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