Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Homemaker's Value-- (this speaks for itself)

The Homemaker’s Value

If women choose not to do this very special job,it will simply not get done,the mothering, the nurturing, the comforting and caringthat fills the committed homemaker’s daywill simply be lost,and society will be impoverished.Children will not get the spiritual guidance they need.Lonely teenagers will not be listened to.Many people with problems will not be ministered to,many sick folk will go unvisited.A special human quality will disappear from our culture.
Women can give up their jobsas clerks, engineers, sales people, doctors --other people will step inand the world will go on as smoothly as before.It will be business as usual.
The groceries will still be sold,trucks loaded with merchandise will still roll across our highway,and Wall Street will carry on.
Not so with homemaking.
Homemakers are the special people in whose handsthe country and the world have been entrusted.When women leave this job the world does not go on as before.It falters and begins to lose its way.
Homemakers are indispensable!
There are times, not so much anymore, but especially when I first began this mothering thing, that I had no concept of this position’s value. It seems America is a forerunner in destroying the view of the mother – being a businesswoman is best, limit the number of children to the number of hands you have to hold onto them, put them in school and fulfill yourself.
If women choose not to do this very special job of homemaking, It will simply not get done, the mother, the nurturing, the comforting and caring that fills the committed homemaker's day will simply be lost.
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.John 15:13
We can show no greater love, than laying our lives down for our families. Churches come and go. Friends can move. Jobs get outsourced. Our families are a constant in our lives. We will always be the mother of our children. Always. Even when they’re grown and on their own. They will still touch base with us to share their lives and to get a booster shot of love.

From one mother to another,
Ky Wright

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